Friday, September 9, 2011


Name :   Sophie LAVERS
Age :  24
Height :  176
Languages :  English & Japanese
Sophie is a retail assistant and budding actress; she has an ambition to work in television, music and stage productions. She loves sport, especially yoga, soccer, swimming and aerobics. Hobbies include going rollerblading, contortion and teaching dance. Her motto is “Be yourself, and be the best you can be!”
Tell us about your job/studies
It has always been my dream to be a performer. I have studied acting, singing and dancing since the age of four. I am working full time as Miss Australia.
How are you preparing for Miss World in South Africa?
I am organising my wardrobe. Also concentrating on my presentation skills and my catwalk. As I am not a model, this has been essential for the Top Model Category. I have been working on the choreography of my dance number for Talent. The daily schedule which I undertake as Miss Australia, speaking to schools and appearing at charity functions gives me the confidence & experience I need.
What's your daily routine?
Every day is so different! Ideally though, I love to exercise in the morning and then fulfil my engagements as Miss Australia. Last thing at night I relax with a cup of tea, a good book and the most essential piece of chocolate.
How do you feel about travelling to South Africa?
South Africa has always held a mystical quality for me. I am excited and grateful for the opportunity!
Which elements of Miss World are you most looking forward to?
I can’t wait to go on safari… and I can’t wait to perform on that huge stage… it gives me shivers just thinking about it!
What do you think are you qualities that youwill bring to the competition?
As a true Aussie girl I hope I bring the feeling of “give your mate a fair go!” I will bring never-ending energy, joy and focus.
What individual talents will seperate you from the other contestants?
My ability to make people smile.
What would it mean to you to do well at Miss World?
It would be wonderful. It would enable me to travel the world for Beauty With A Purpose & would open a few doors for my show business career.
What is your favourite landmark?
The Sydney Opera House.
What is the one thing you cannot live without?
My family.
Who do you most admire?
Australian actress Cate Blanchett. She is a woman with intelligence and self-respect, as well as elegance and devotion to her art.
Who has inspired you most in your life?
My friend, Cassie May, who has cystic fibrosis, but is the most “alive” and positive person I know. Whenever I start to feel sorry for myself, I remember her and snap out of it



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